Thursday, May 7, 2009

A friendly message from your local Post Office.

In the wake of an MTA-sized deficit, the Post Office is raising rates on Monday. Per my roommate we shouldn't be complaining about the two cent raise (up to 44 a stamp) because it's currently 56 cents Euro in France to mail the same thing. Personally, I think Uncle Sam should have made it this past Monday and cashed in on the countless number of Mothers Day cards they'll be delivering this week. See, what I am doing behind an HR-related desk all day?! I could be turning this economy around myself. Then again my efforts to raise CASH would be thwarted by ridiculous situations like this. Seriously people, dog bites? I don't know whether to shake my head in frustration over the misguided governmental spending on the planned awareness training or be tickled by District Safety Manager Marvin Howard's determination:

“My goal is to get on top of this. We just can’t figure out why the sudden increase for all these dog bites. Even small breed dogs have the potential to inflict injuries that can threaten a carrier’s career."

You be the judge.

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