Sunday, August 23, 2009

Irony there for the taking.

Somewhere between Saturday ending and Sunday beginning this fellow was parked outside of neighborhood drinking hole Death & Company. Only he was alone, his life on wheels parked nearby, just in reach.

We've all been there. One drink too many. Maybe it was a food coma...turkey? A broken heart is the worst kind. Regardless of how you got to the point of lonely sleep, you got there. Some crash on the couch, others prefer roommates' beds. This man well, this man just wanted to crash. I don't blame him.

I woke up this morning not hungover but simply and utterly sick. Explaining it to my roommate as "my mind being one step behind my body" I quickly realized I was burning up. 104 degrees later and I was drinking water faster than a gerbil after racing around on its wheel. Consider today over. Here's hoping tomorrow brings on a miracle recovery, as the week ahead is brutal at work.

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