Back on the road and back to blogging. No I don't work for Sam Adams - that would be quite fantastic. But I did hold a dinner for interview candidates tonight at a local Binghamton establishment. Went well. Cheers.
I'm not the only one who sees interesting, quirky, and downright hilarious things on a daily basis. If you come across something worth sharing, send it to catchthatphoto [at] gmail [dot] com and it will be posted here for everyone's enjoyment. Don't forget to include a caption or two!
I have never been one to make a scene for birthdays, especially my own. However, as The Big Day approached friends, family and colleagues alike made the silver anniversary of my life something of significance. "What are you going to do to celebrate?" was asked of me time and time again. Always someone who enjoyed recreational photography, I decided that I will chronicle a year of my life with a daily photo. I don't expect ground-breaking material to be shared here, but I hope I grow to see life (from behind the lens) in a different way. The future pages of this blog will chronicle how I celebrate turning the page for the 25th time.
Beginning March 1st I will post a picture from my day. I have neither requirements nor goals for this little experiment, only that I'm curious to see what my day-to-day life will look like in retrospect, 365 times over.
Feel free to stop by, say hello, and comment if you'd like. I hope this becomes a regular stop for you in your day.
Born and raised in the 201 which became the 973, went to school in the 814, moved to the 212 and then again to the 718, but still work in the 212. And that's the 411.
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