Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Turkey and gravy step aside. There's a new killer combo this fall.

I discovered Dogfish Head's "Punkin Ale" one night after work at Stag's Head pub. Seasonal brews are nothing new, as Sam's and Blue Moon have been doing it for years with much success. But this Dogfish brew is hard to track down, and even if you find it you'll be paying a premium for a 4-pack (10 bucks in NJ, 13 Brooklyn). But dammmmmn is it worth it.

I sat down with a cold ale this afternoon and nonchalantly sliced off a piece of homemade banana bread. Bite of bread. Swig of Dogfish. Brilliant. The combination of spices and flavors from each came together in ridiculous perfection. I foresee myself enjoying this combination for the rest of the week.

If you see this beer in your local shop I highly recommend picking it up. Just note the 7% alcohol content, slightly higher than you the typical Miller Lite. Then again, it won't set you on your ass like Michael Scott's seasonal drink of choice:

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