Friday, February 19, 2010

Birthday kisses.

After an open house in our apartment; after dinner; after polishing off our stock in wine and Bud Light - Sheena and I discovered we had a problem. It was only 10pm. To move off the couch or not to; the proverbial Friday night question when living in Brooklyn.

Texts about a birthday party in the village were exchanged with another friend.

Do you want to go?
I don't know, do you want to go?
Sure. We're out of beer AND IT'S ONLY TEN.

The tipping point was had. Lorimer to 6th Ave, F to West 4th. Hellllllllo Friday night Bridge & Tunnel crowd; great to see you again. And by that I mean stab me in the eye with a melting ice cycle.

Birthday party on Macdougal. LK left her post-tequila calling card on the table.

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