Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Picking my battles.

There are a few instances in one's life that half-assing it exposes the ugly truth.

Doing so at work will get you fired; on the golf course you'll lose credibility; when it comes to board games you will downright embarrass yourself.

I am not afraid to admit where my strengths and weaknesses rest in the latter realm. Shockingly - or not so much - I dominate at games that involve acting or talking matters out (Cranium's purple and green cards and all aspects of Catchphrase come to mind). Operation? Not made for these shaky hands. We played Life a lot as kids, but let's be real. Life was a wild card; that game is always determined the moment you spin the wheel for your "career path." Doctor? You're golden. Salesman? Might as well pack it up and call it quits.

Scrabble falls into the category of games BK should avoid at all times. It's like attempting a crossword puzzle, but instead of figuring out what 23 down is, you are slapped around by people who know how to ride themselves of a q without holding a u (the answer - qat).

So tonight, as the usual Winesday crowd complained about not enough vowels (or was it too many vowels?) I watched Olympic hockey. Yup.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Cranium cards are blue, not purple.
    2. We have singlehandedly defeated Catchphrase in its entirety so I can let the 'purple card' thing slide.
