Friday, February 5, 2010

Reverse commute. In style.


Somewhere between an early dinner at 88 Orchard and a cab ride out of the LES, I received a text regarding a prior commitment for Friday. The problem? The commitment was in New Jersey. At 8:30 in the morning. The day after my birthday.

Like I said. Sonofabitch.

Luckily my friend MS came to the rescue. One extremely generous offer on her part and a trip to the East 90's later, and I had a luxury ride available to me for an early morning trip to the Dirty.

6:30am - Rise & shine
7:00am - Departure
8:27am - Arrive at high school
8:30am - Talk, babble, & ramble
10:30am - Done
10:31am - Dazed & confused

Pictured above is my graduating class's gift to the school. Most schools have some sort of monument, plaque or 4ft x8ft sheet of plywood acknowledging the existence of school pride, right? Not Lenape. Nope - we made it nearly 30 years without one. What we lacked in school pride we made up for in indifference. I mean, it's hard to rally around anything when the most successful "athletic" team in school history was the academic quiz bowl.

Yes, you could have quiz bowl on the back of your varsity jacket. And yes, there was a "select bunch" that did. No, I did not have one of these precious gems.

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